patrick glorieux. freelance CD / CW. available april '25.

Facts about me

b. 1986, HK.


Nowadays working with handsome genius Matthew McFerrin.
Hit us up:



I’m Belgian, but I live in NYC.
I can speak French and brag about it a lot.
I don’t have a tiny head. That there is a giant pinecone.

experience :

2022 - Now: Freelance (Fig, FCB, D5, W+K LDN, adam&eve)
2020 - 2022: adam&eve
2019 - 2020: Freelance (JL, Chobani, WKNY)
2017 - 2019: Droga5 
2016 - 2017: Mother New York 
2014 - 2016: 72andSunny LA 
2012 - 2014: Johannes Leonardo 
2008 - 2012: Happiness Brussels 


1 Gold, 15 Silver, 1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Yellow, 1 Graphite, 2 Wood pencils and 3 shortlists at D&AD
3 AICP awards
1 Grand Prix, 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 4 Bronze at Eurobest
1 Grand Prix, 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze at Creative Club of Belgium
2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 Merit at One Show
1 Silver, 1 Bronze at Clio Awards
3 Webby awards, 3 shortlists
1 FWA Site of the Month, 3 x Site of the day


All work was made together with so many talented human beings. Names and links coming soon.
If you can’t wait, email me for project credits.