patrick glorieux. freelance CD / CW. available april '25.

Google Chromecast

b. 1986, HK.







In 2015, Chromecast needed a global brand campaign that gave them a POV and set it aside from an ever growing field of competitors. Chromecast has always been about loving content big, so we celebrated the show bingers, the album repeaters, the movie quoters, etc.

In short, those who don't love their content a little, but love it a lot.

The campaign was launched with an anthem film at Google's Keynote speech in front of millions of eyeballs. A series of 30" and 15" films were rolled out on TV and online. Partner product films were made. Rich media banners took over the New York Times and YouTube. Standard banners unit took over the rest of the web. The Chromecast homepage got a complete redesign. New How-to videos were made and we shot for in-store displays. You don’t want to see al that stuff but I’m just telling you in case someone asks.

The anthem film that launched the rebrand campaign.

A series of films tell the stories of Chromecast’s many use-cases.

Brand Photography by Bob Jeusette

Print and In-Store