patrick glorieux. freelance CD / CW. available april '25.
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Peloton Holiday






After a very interesting year, Peloton had to do something to win the holidays.

Going off of the insight that Peloton brings more fun to exercise, more than say, go to a crowded gym, we created A Fitness Carol. The age-old Dickens tale reimagined, only this time Peloton makes Scrooge a better man, instead of a crew of ghosts. Because, as the campaign line says, when your workout’s a joy, it’s a joy to work out.

Brett Gelman played Scrooge, Danny Elfman provided the music, and we wrote a ton of rhymes.

‘A Fitness Carol’, our retelling of Scrooge’s story, but with more exercise.

‘A Summer’s Carol’, in which Scrooge goes full Peloton.

‘Merry Treadmas’, Scrooge’s story but with a Peloton Tread.

We even reimagined Scrooge’s wardrobe to show his tranformation, from victorian curmudgeon to stay-at-home gym rat.

Made with Matthew McFerrin, Daniel Bonder & Dave Brown.
And our friends at Peloton: Jo Soulas & Bryant Brennan.
Shot by Adam Hashemi.